We hope everyone is enjoying their holiday break!  I am sure you are all spending time with family and friends, as well as planning for your return to the little ones after break. 

We have a great unit to help you get back in the swing of things for January.  Martin Luther King, Jr. Day is right around the corner.  Everything you need to teach your students about this amazing man is included in our unit.   I spend the week on MLK, Jr. and also show the video ~ Our Friend, Martin ~ to my Gr. 2 class.   The kids love the Power Point we created with the real pictures of MLK and the timeline of his life. 
Check out the preview below and see it in our store ~

27 December 2013

We had such a nice Christmas with our family and friends.  We hope everyone had a very Merry Christmas and holiday season!

I am enjoying some time away in Key West right now ~ it's beautiful here!  The sun is shining and the boys are getting ready to go out and fish today for some grouper.  :)  

The New Year is just around the corner and we are excited to bring you some new products from Kennedy's Korner.   We will be working hard over our holiday break - in between enjoying the sunshine - to finish some NEW items to post in our store.  
Be sure to check out our Martin Luther King Jr. Power Point with activities product!  We will be adding a FREE mini booklet to go along with the unit soon ~ so become a follower and get notified when we post it!  

Enjoy your vacation !! 

08 December 2013

Time ~ our precious time.. ticking away!

Well I can't believe that Christmas is only a few weeks away!  I am almost done shopping ~ I have done a lot of my shopping online this year.  As I get older  I really don't like to go shopping when it is crowded... hmmm I am getting old!

My sister Kelly and I have also been working hard on trying to save YOU some precious time around the holidays!  We both know that time is the one thing that teachers really never have any extra of.. lol :)   We hope that we can help you to relax a little this holiday season - by NOT worrying about school!  Check out our new products that will save you precious time..  TIME you can use to SHOP... TIME you can use to WRAP... time you can use to BAKE cookies... and TIME you can spend with your loved ones! 

I started this unit last week and the kids in my Gr. 2 class and they are LOVING IT!   Every day the first question they ask is "What country are we visiting today?" .. I have to say that I LOVE this unit too.
It helps to put me in the mood and I know that the kids are learning the standards in a fun and engaging way! 

WE hope you like our units!  They are on SALE this week until Wednesday ~ so save some money for holiday shopping and more importantly save yourself some precious TIME !  

We hope you have a wonderful holiday season with your family and friends!
Click on the picture below to connect to our store- you should check out the PREVIEWS!
                                                   Happy Holidays!
Holiday Writing ~ Letters to Sant and much more!
Commom Core Reading ~ Elves Dont' Wear Hard Hats!
FREE Math Word Problems ~ holiday fun!
IF you have any questions please email us at coachkennedy22@yahoo.com or comment here!