24 February 2014

3 Million Teachers ~ WOW !!

Don't miss out on this fabulous SALE! 
Be sure to check out our BEST product yet ~ we will be posting it by Thursday - just in time for you to buy it on SALE !! 
This pack is full of interesting CLOSE READS that are full or rigor!
Your students will be so excited to read about these animals ~ they won't even realize how
hard they are actually working!  
Be sure to check out our store during this sale!
We hope you become a follower!!
Thanks for stopping by ~

21 February 2014

Five for Friday!

I am still on Winter Break so I have some free time to link up with this fabulous Five for Friday weekly linky party ~ Thanks to Doodle Bugs Teaching!
Well I hate to rub it in.... but yes I am still on my winter break in Key West, Florida. I am actually sitting out on the lanai at our new house here and working on this blog post.  As I sit here staring at the palm trees I am feeling very blessed for many reasons ~ but ONE main reason is that I am still
 able to enjoy the warm weather - while everyone at home is still dealing with the winter snow... so I am posting my # 1 Five for Friday - sharing some of the fun in the sun we have been having here in Key West.  Fishing has been great ~ the weather perfect and visiting with great friends is always a good time.  Very blessed ~

While on Winter break I have been able to set some new personal goals for myself.  ONE being
to exercise more!  I am sure that you also may have trouble finding the time to exercise daily.
I typically will workout at least 4 -5 days a week but it's always rushed... I need to actual put it into my day as an appointment for myself AND carve out at least 1 hour - 1 1/2 hours just for me!
I hope you ALL  have a chance to have some ME time as well.. BALANCE in life is KEY to a healthy person.   This vacation has given me some free time to focus on my new goals and I have been enjoying my daily workouts, swimming, fishing (great arm workout :), eating healthy AND drinking my protein shakes everyday!  Yummy ~ I love my Advocare shakes.  I am drinking the chocolate mocha shake right now - but I mixed in some natural peanut butter.  IT is delicious! If you are unfamiliar with Advocare - you can check it out here.  These shakes have helped me to get the protein I need everyday and they are affordable for everyone!
I am also excited on my new weight loss journey to be starting the 24 DAY challenge on March 1st..
I will keep you posted on my progress.. I don't have a lot of weight to lose - but I am always struggling with those dreaded 6-10 extra lbs... ugh.. wish me luck!
Happy Birthday to my niece EMMA - who turned 4 last week!  We are in Key West for winter break and my sister Kelly and her family are visiting our parents in Sarasota for break... so we didn't get to celebrate in person yet - but we will when we all get home.   Emma is the cutest little girl who brightens my day when I get to spend time with her.  She has a huge heart and a bright smile to go with it!                                  
Happy Birthday to Emma ! 
I know I am a little early with this post and I am sure you will hear more about St. Patty's Day in the next few weeks... but IF you are IRISH like us ... then you will understand why our family enjoys the whole month of MARCH -  The Kennedy's - my grandparents are from Ireland and well ..let's just say .. we are definitely IRISH!   We love St. Patrick's Day - and when you live in Buffalo, NY - people in Buffalo sure do know how to celebrate St. Patty's Day!  Check out the picture of Delaware Ave. (downtown Buffalo)  on St. Patty's Day last year.

Announcing our updated MATH centers for St. Patrick's Day! 
Thanks to the amazing Krista Wallden for the clipart, we were able to update our centers and make them so much better!  Check out her store!

Be sure to check out these St. Patty's Day Math centers just in time for the BEST holiday of the year!

WE hope you are having a great Winter break wherever you are !!  If it makes you feel any better I am heading home on Sunday - back to the snow and cold. 

Happy Friday!  We are heading down to Duval St. for lunch ~  enjoy your day!




17 February 2014

Fabulous giveaway ~ Feb 17-23rd

Check out this giveaway and chance to WIN great products!
Thank you to Stephanie @ Mrs. D's Corner for organizing this giveaway!
GOOD LUCK to all who enter and thanks for checking out Kennedy's Korner!
We are also having a SALE ~ so grab those items you put on your wishlist!  

16 February 2014

Lucky to be in Love Linky party

Love is in the air ~ I am so excited to link up with this fun linky party ~ thanks to
Lucky to Be in First .  I am in love with so many things.. these are just a few ~

We hope you had a lot of LOVE thrown your way this year ~ Remember to show
some love throughout the year to everyone ~  not just on Valentine's Day!





15 February 2014

Fun Giveaway!

Don't Miss out ~ 20 great TPT sellers are offering SWEET products in this amazing giveaway!

Check out this great GIVEAWAY ! 

09 February 2014

President's Day ~ Power Point and MORE

Presidents Day Power Point and ELA Activities

A ton of fun activities are included to teach your students about
Abe Lincoln and George Washington!


Valentine Craft

Looking for a cute Valentine Craft to do this week?  I found one that you might like ~ so I thought I would share.  It comes from Mom to 2 Posh Lil Divas.  Go to her blog to see the directions.  Thank you to Bern for her cute idea!

It looks super easy and fun for the kids to do. I can't wait to try it this week. 
Happy Valentines Day!
If you haven't already downloaded our FREE Valentine Math Word problem packet.. you still have time!  You can find it in our TPT store for FREE.

01 February 2014

Super Bowl SALE!

Everybody loves a SALE !  We have our store on sale from Saturday, Feb. 1st - Monday, February 3rd.  Stop by and check out our Olympic ELA Math unit that have been getting great reviews!  The Olympics start this week! 

Sample of a few pages from our Olympics Mini Booklet
We hope your students have fun learning all about the 2014 Olympics!