22 August 2013

All About Me ~ Kelly

All About Me ~


We are making a pledge to become full fledged bloggers this year!  That is our goal!  So many fantastic blogs exist that I hope we can keep up with all of the amazing blogs out there.  Kennedy's Korner is a blog and tpt store that is run by my sister Karen and myself.  So we will be taking turns blogging out our lives and our 1st and 2nd grade classrooms.

The easiest topic to blog about is my family.  I love my 3 adorable girls and my sweet husband to pieces!  I have been working hard to create new products for the TPT store I share with my sister but most of my TPT work is done after 10 pm.  I feel guilty spending time on TPT when my kiddos are awake.   So first I tuck in my daughters ... Kayla, Lilly, and Emma.  Then I tuck in my husband Sean:)  After that I am free to sneak back downstairs to the land of TPT.  

The mad rush towards opening day has begun.  I am working feverishly at school to set up my FROG themed classroom.  The Dollar Store is an amazing place!  I just found little frog shaped plastic cups to hold the kids math counters!  They were 3 for $1.  What a deal!  The first day of school in Buffalo is September 5th but I am already experiencing sleepless nights!  I have been up the last two nights around 2 am to add to my long To Do List.  This is my 16th year of teaching.  Why do I still lie awake the night before school with all the "what ifs" running through my brain????

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